Ways to Help
When you donate to Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue & Sanctuary, you help us provide rescue and care to hundreds of dogs in need each year. We simply cannot sustain our rescue activities without your continued support.
When you make a gift to Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue, you are supporting the dogs already rescued and living in safety and your contribution lays a vital foundation for the Golden Retrievers we vow to rescue in years to come. Your contribution makes an enormous difference – providing a safe haven for Goldens finding their way home again.

Gifts of Appreciated Stock
Donate Appreciated Stock to Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue for a truly impactful return on your investment. A gift of appreciated stock – now, or in the future – can avoid capital gains taxes that would be due as a result of its sale. Your tax benefit is generally the fair market value of the stock at the time of your gift. With gifts of appreciated stock, your stock market earnings translate into true impact for our mission of rescue – a very rewarding return on your investment and a simple way to give.
We recommend that donors consult their professional advisor before donating securities. Our president or treasurer will be happy to assist with the transaction.

Employee Giving
Giving through United Way for State of California, Sacramento County, and Private Sector Employees
Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc. is an authorized non-profit organization of the California State Employees Charitable Campaign (CSECC), and United Way campaigns for Sacramento County and private organizations.
You have the opportunity to donate to Homeward Bound through monthly payroll deductions by designating us on your personal pledge form. What a simple, yet effective way to help Homeward Bound! All you need to do is write in the following information:
Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue
7495 Natomas Road
Elverta, CA 95626
Tax ID: 68-0442702
Our donation code is 12044
Employer Matches
Many employers offer matches for your charitable contributions – doubling your impact. Check with your employer for eligible programs.

Planned Giving
If you are reading this, chances are that you already understand the impact that our mission of rescue and adoption has on Golden lives and families. Estate or planned gifts to Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue are excellent opportunities to create a legacy ensuring that more Golden lives are saved. You can also provide for the care of your pets in your estate plan – an important consideration for all of us.
Planned giving is an option for donors of all incomes and may allow you to make a larger gift in the future than you otherwise could from current assets. A planned gift can also help you reduce capital gains or estate taxes on your heirs.
Examples of estate and planned giving instruments include wills and living trusts, life insurance or retirement beneficiary designations or gifts of appreciated stock. There are many options from which to choose. We always recommend that you speak with your accountant or financial advisor to determine the most beneficial means of giving for you and your family.
Naming us in your will or trust, for example, is one of the easiest ways to ensure that future generations of Goldens in need will find a second chance at life.
Thank you for considering including Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue in your planned giving. Gifts of $10,000 or more will be remembered with a plaque on our Memorial Garden Wall. For any gift, please ensure the following information is included in your documentation:
Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc.
7495 Natomas Road, Elverta, CA 95626
Tax ID#: 68-0442702
Confused about your options? Click here for our detailed Guide to Giving to help you determine the right gift providing current or future benefits – to yourself, your heirs, and to the Goldens in our care.

Golden Angel Sponsorship
Want to help the Goldens but can’t adopt or foster and don’t have time to volunteer? You can still contribute! Make a meaningful difference in the life of a dog with special needs by sponsoring a dog in our Golden Angel Program.

Shop Our Online Store
Show your Homeward Bound pride while supporting the dogs! Shop our online store for Homeward Bound and rescue wear while spreading the word about the importance or adopted, fostered, and rescued love!

More Ways To Give
Big dogs have big needs!The Goldens have compiled a list of treats, toysm and most frequently needed items on our Amazon and Chewy Wish Lists.
Our dogs enjoy Nature’s Select of Northern California food (made in the USA); you can enjoy free delivery to your home for available zip codes and orders over $35.00. Nature’s Select’s Kibble Into Cash program results in over $12,000 in donations each year to Homeward Bound. For every bag of pet food you purchase, Nature’s Select donates $0.10 per pound back. That’s $3.00 for every 30-lb bag! Or, just add a bag of kibble at checkout and it is delivered directly to Homeward Bound.
Want to remember a dog or dog-loving human in a very special way? Purchase a commemorative brick for placement in our Memorial Garden Walkway. The proceeds directly benefit our dogs.