
After living in an outdoor pen for the first year of his life, Yeager is in search of human attention and kindness. He has much to learn about the bigger world, but now that he has had a taste of it, he will happily seek and accept your guidance to make the life of a loved dog part of his permanent life.

  • Sensitive and affectionate young Labradoodle boy
  • Got a bum start but is already well on the road to the life he deserves
  • Has been to foster; good house and car manners; pen and crate-trained
  • Good, but inexperienced with other dogs; social but sometimes missteps due to lack of experience; takes correction
  • Would benefit from a calm mentor dog; Cats Unknown; Sturdy Kids 10+
  • Has had a taste of love and attention and is willing to put in the work for more!

How do you get to be over one year old and never have a name? That’s me. And my name now is Yeager. Homeward Bound says that all dogs deserve names. And much more. I was the victim of divorce and neglect. There’s no nicer way to say it. When the humans split, I went to live outside in a kennel with my dog mom, 24/7. No one bothered to do much but feed us, so I never even got a name. I have been to foster and remarkably, I have somehow picked up some good house and car manners. I am crate and pen-trained but have had no formal training. I had no previous interactions with other dogs or humans, so I have some catching up to do. I like other dogs, but don’t always understand what they are trying to tell me. If I misstep with another dog, I hope they will give kind corrections. I can be a little aloof when I first meet people. Maybe I’m just sensitive and don’t want to get my hopes up too high. If you go slow so I can understand your intentions, I warm up quickly. Everything is new to me: toys, outings, living inside, attention, and love. But now that I have had a taste of them, I am definitely willing to work hard to make them a permanent part of my life. I’m looking for some good people to guide me. I hope I find them soon!