
This sweet beauty has stepped out into the world for the first time. A former backyard dog, Mocha is looking for someone with patience and a gentle heart to help her gain confidence and fully blossom.

  • Sweet and snuggly girl who need help opening her world
  • Former backyard dog with little socialization
  • Needs patient people to introduce her to new experiences and build confidence
  • Best as only dog for now; Cats Unknown; No Kids
  • A beauty who needs help and time to fully blossom

My name is Mocha. I am a four-year-old girl whose world has been very small until now. I stayed in the  backyard and didn’t have many opportunities to meet people or others like me. It’s unlikely that I even went on walks because this whole leash thing is so new to me. As a result, I am kind of shy and need a person or people who will help to build my confidence at a gradual pace. I am very sweet and snuggly, but because I am unsure, I can be stubborn about stepping into new things. Patience and reassurance are the keys to my heart. I’m not used to sharing and – having recently discovered these amazing things called toys – I have a tendency to not want to give them up. We can work on that together, but, in the meantime, no kids for me. I also think that I would prefer to be your one and only for now…there’s a lot I need to learn, and the folks here think that time and gentle introductions are what I need now. One thing I have learned is that I enjoy jogging beside some of the walkers here. Maybe that is the key to opening my world. If you have the time and patience to help a beauty blossom, let’s go for a little romp and see if it’s a match!