
Young and filled with enthusiasm, Brody needs some help catching up on missed training. With good house manners and a desire to learn, the battle is half won! A good role model dog would work wonder…and older kids to get all that energy out!

  • Energetic young Doodle boy – a big puppy!
  • House trained; good in the car; pretty good on leash
  • Needs catching up on training basics and regular exercise to expend puppy enthusiasm!
  • Would do well with calmer dog to guide him; Cats Unknown; Kids 10+
  • Very affectionate once he gets his zoomies out!

I am eight-month-old Brody and I am raring to go! I was living with much older people who forgot that little puppies grow into big dogs! As a result, I got to be too much too soon and found myself at Homeward Bound! Let me tell you, there are far worst places to land! While I’m hanging out, the good folks here are trying catch me up on some basics. I’ve been to foster with another dog and I can tell you that I know all about potty training – especially if you have a doggie door. I’m good in the car, and when I’m exhausted, I am absolutely adorable. Getting me worn down is job #1! Another dog would be a great help – but one that’s not quite as young and rambunctious as me and will set a good example. Job #2? Training!  I’m told that all dogs require it to live happily with the hoomans. I guess my people just skipped that part! I’m still young, adaptable, and willing to learn. So bring on the classes! Cats? I don’t know but based on my enthusiasm, maybe not. Kids? They need to be bigger and sturdy until we get that class stuff behind us! Let’s get started because I’m anxious to show you all I can do!