
Proof positive that age is only a number, Zen has a zest for life and a “let’s go” attitude! Sometimes snuggly, sometimes a party boy, always entertaining…he is good with dogs who match his temperament and sturdy kids!

  • A good time in a fur coat for people who appreciate a dog with a big personality!
  • Loves to be the center of your attention; party boy
  • People-loving with good house manners…except for counter surfing
  • OK with dogs who match his confidence; Cats Unknown; Kids 8+ and sturdy
  • Needs equal measure of love and training to be the best Zen!

I am Zen…an eight-year-old boy (going on two!) whose family had to move and leave me behind. Turns out to be kind of a good thing because I had some repairs that needed making! A bum toe was removed, and a couple of lumps on my butt were removed. That – on top of neuter…let’s just say it was a makeover I wasn’t exactly excited about! I expressed my dissatisfaction by constantly removing my bandages and cone! That earned me a nickname I won’t repeat here…but it’s all good now! I am a very sweet and loving boy. I soak up attention, love to watch TV, know how to use the dog door to go potty outside, and will happily hang on the couch with you. I can also be a bull in a Chain shop, love to steal the show, and have a habit of counter surfing so I will need someone who will teach me about appropriate boundaries…they call it training. Whatever! One thing I can guarantee is a good time! Life is never boring with me around! You would never know my age by my energy and love of adventure. I am OK with other big dogs who share my confidence, but I am not a good match for scared, meek, or fearful dogs. I don’t know about cats, and kids need to be sturdy. I’m anything but Zen…but I am a big bunch of fun! Let’s go!